ORDER The 8 Coil Shakti



Understanding Shakti


. 2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Sound Setup


......Automatic Sound Setup - Windows XP


......Sound Setup - Windows Vista


......Control panel sound


......Check Left / Right Stereo Channels


......Set your volume


......Find volume level for your sound card


......Turn Special Effects Off


Your Hardware


......2 Coils | 4 Coils | .8 Coil Shakti


......North and South Poles


......Converting 8 Coil Shakti to 2 or 4 Coils


Connecting Your Shakti


Starter Sessions - 8 Coil


How to put on the coils


.....2 Coils | 4 Coils | .8 Coils


Choose your signal


Where to put the coils


Choose Session Length


......Test session


......20 minute session


......30 minute session


......60 minute session


......By "Dead-Reckoning"


How Often To Do Sessions?




......Every Three Days


......Once a Week


......Once a Month


......Taking Breaks


Facilitating Experiences


Beginning Questionnaire


What to do during your sessions.



Choose Your Signal


13-Phase Session - The Limbic Workout








Emotional (Amygdala)


......2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Meditative & Cognitive (Hippocampus)


... ..2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti| .8 Coil Shakti


Emotional & Cognitive (feelings and thoughts)


... 2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


Emotional & Cognitive (Stereo)


.....4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Body-Related (caudate)


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


.The Pleasure Center (Septum)


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


"Binding Factor" for Consciousness


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Chirp Signal ("Pulse")


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


The Thalamus


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti


Event-Related Potential (ERP)


Schumann Resonances


From the Theta Band


Using your own frequencies


Two-Phase Sessions (as seen on TV)


8-Coil Two-Phase sessions




Good Beginner Sessions For The 8 Coil Shakti




Two-Phase 8 Coil Shakti Sessions


A mood enhancement session

Before doing your first session here, take the time to read about how often sessions should be done, how long to do them, and other basic information in the software. The most important thing to know before starting is that these sessions should not be done more often than once a week when effects appear for the 60 minute session, and every three days for the 40 minute session.

If they do not appear, switch from one of these session designs to the other with each session, doing sessions every three days for three sessions, and then stopping for a week. That's three sessions in 9 days.

Not all session designs for the 8-coil Shakti use alternating signals (signals that switch quickly between the left and right channels). It's possible to do these sessions with fewer coils, but only by stopping the session and moving the coils, which breaks the integrity of the experience.

NOTE: the Altered States session presented here is not the only Shakti session that can induce altered states. The sessions presented on THIS PAGE are also good candidates for that kind of work, and are based on successful laboratory experiments. If you want to use Shakti to achieve altered states of consciousness, do not neglect those sessions, and make sure you read the instructions carefully.

The feelgood session is a good one to begin with, and following a normal session schedule, it can help to prepare for sessions for altered states.

If you feel you could use a mood improvement, this session might be a good one to try. It emphasizes the frontal lobes, and it's hard to feel bad when your frontal lobes are more active than usually. If you are
not a 'morning person', the feelgood session might be a good one to start with.

Note well: The feelgood session won't do much for you if you already feel good. It's a bit like aspirin. If you're not in any pain, aspirin won't do anything. If you feel good already, then you are probably looking to experience altered states of consciousness.

This is a two-phase session. In the unlikely event that any unwanted effects occur in the second phase, you can stop the session. If this happens in the first phase, you can skip to the second, or skip the first part altogether. It's important to understand that the first phase of the session is preparation for the second phase. Think of an archer who must pull the arrow away from it's target to draw the bowstring in order to send it to the target immediately afterward. Stopping the session in the first phase may leave you further from the goal of the session than you were before. Completing the session is suggested unless there is a reason to stop. If you are interrupted, and are unable to complete the session, wait three days and start again from the beginning. Do not do Shakti sessions more often than every 72 hours.

As with any other Shakti session, you must have your sound set correctly, all connections in place firmly in place, your sound card cannot be 'muted', and you should relax and 'let go' while the session is happening. Don't try to make Shakti work better or with greater intensity by using it at the same time as other mind machines, meditation or anything else where you try to control your mind's activities. Shakti can be combined with these mind techniques by doing the Shakti session forst, the the other technique about 90 minute after the end of the Shakti session. For more information about this, read this page.

USE WITH CARE: The Feelgood session emphasizes the frontal lobes, while the Altered States session emphasizes the temporal lobes. Too many of either of these sessions can create a kind of malaise or even lethargy. To avoid this, follow the correct session schedules. These are two-phase sessions, but this also applies to single-phase sessions done over either the frontal lobes or the temporal lobes.

Click on these illusrations for a closer look.

This shows the location for the frontal coils. Use all four Right-Channel coils, and place the coils noting which are taped (north) and which are untaped (south).

This shows the right side of the head for the feelgood or Altered State session. Note that one of the coils has tape (north) and one of them (south) does not.

This shows the left side of the head for the feelgood or Altered State session. Note that one of the coils has tape (north) and one of them (south) does not.