ORDER The 8 Coil Shakti

Choose Your Signal


13-Phase Session - The Limbic Workout








Emotional (Amygdala)


......2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Meditative & Cognitive (Hippocampus)


... ..2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti| .8 Coil Shakti


Emotional & Cognitive (feelings and thoughts)


... 2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


Emotional & Cognitive (Stereo)


.....4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Body-Related (caudate)


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


.The Pleasure Center (Septum)


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | .8 Coil Shakti


"Binding Factor" for Consciousness


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


Chirp Signal ("Pulse")


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti | 8 Coil Shakti


The Thalamus


.....2 Coil Shakti | 4 Coil Shakti


Event-Related Potential (ERP)


Schumann Resonances


From the Theta Band


Using your own frequencies


Two-Phase Sessions (as seen on TV)


8-Coil Two-Phase sessions




Good Beginner Sessions For The 8 Coil Shakti





The sessions you access through this page are intended for eliciting altered states of consciousness, and use the coils over the temporal lobes, which is understood to be the source of religious and mystic experiences.

These are 'interhemispheric' (switching from both hemispheres to one) sessions, incorporating the same principles used in the demonstration sessions shown on television documentaries. In these, one signal is used over both sides, followed by another signal over only one side. Shakti is not able to completely duplicate the sesion design used in the documentaries, but it is able to offer a close approximation. One important detail in these sessions is that they were done in sensory deprivation. Above all, this means darkness and silence (not just quiet).

You don't have to use sensory deprivation if you're looking for after-effects. The after-effects of each session will follow the signal used in the second phase of the session.

Be careful when setting up these sessions. Make sure you have the coils placed correctly. Each session calls for one side of your head to have more coils than the other. Some sessions here have more coils on the left, and some have more on the right.

These can be powerful sessions, so check and double-check your setup.

Some of these sessions are designed to begin with signals that don't come from specific brain parts, and end with ones that do. The first phase of the session can be pleasant or unpleasant, depending on your unique neural history. The second phase of the session ends with either the hippocampus or the amygdala, each placed over the side that's pleasant for that structure.

The star shows the one most like the session used in television documentaries.

Modulated 40 hertz 'chirp' signal over both sides followed by amygdala over the left

Modulated 40 hertz 'chirp' signal over both sides followed by Hippocampus over the right

Hippocampus over both sides followed by Amygdala over the left side.

Amygdala over both sides followed by Hippocampus over the right side.

Modulated 40Hz Signal over both sides followed by Amygdala over the left side.

Modulated 40Hz Signal over both sides followed by Hippocampus over the right side.

Fibonacci signal followed by Hippocampus signal (4 phase session)

General Altered State Session working with 1) the frontal lobes and then 2) the temporal lobes

Creating your own two-phase sessions

Feelgood Session