In general, the frontal lobes are specialized for rational, linear, and logical
states of consciousness. While the temporal lobes are important in memory, the frontal lobes deal in the future.
They plan, anticipate, extrapolate, make inferences, and anything else that helps us project our thoughts into
the future.
As a rough rule of thumb, the worse you feel in the morning, the more helpful
this session design will be.
Stimulating the frontal lobes is not very likely to elicit the altered-states
experiences that have made this technology famous. In fact, the effects will probably going to go in the opposite
Frontal lobe activation might possibly make for some enhancements in intelligence.
However, it needs to be understood that there several kinds of intelligence, and not all of them have the same
need for frontal lobe functions.
Interestingly, it was a frontal lobe presentation of the amygdaloid wave form that first suggested a procedure
to stop sadness to Dr. Persinger and his colleagues one of which found it's way into publication (Here).
Spirituality seems to suggest tranquillity, calm, and peacefulness. But there are some people whose spiritual goals
include having more energy, not less. Becoming more dynamic, and not more calm. Some people's spirituality involves
and interest in metaphysics, contemporary quantum mechanics, and other intellectual, studious approaches. These
individuals seem to be motivated by a desire for understanding. One that that includes their intellect. These people
may want to include the frontal lobes in their experience with Shakti. It can be quite fulfilling. At least, if
we can generalize from the preliminary reports.
Also, there those who are not really concerned with spiritual development, but are simply interested in experiencing
in as many different states of consciousness as possible. For these people, the 8-coil Shakti will provide a useful
tool for consciousness exploration when used over the frontal lobes.
SAFETY: Repeated sessions over either the frontal lobes or the temporal lobes
can bring up a kind of malaise. This can be avoided by alternating your sessions between the frontal and temporal